It's been a while since I had the time or mental capacity to post -- my apologies. I've been a little involved in college life, what with the Math final and the group project for Ethics, as well as the final paper for Ethics. The final paper, by the way, involved re-reading a lot of Plato, Kant, Aristotle, Needleman, Langton, popular media, in between preparing the PowerPoint presentation for class and the other two papers that are also due . . . Anyway, I turned in the ethics essay, all 13 pages, via the Internet late yesterday evening, just as my last spark of intelligence was flickering out for the night. This morning, I got a cryptic note from the Ethics professor: "Are you sure this is the final version?"
That's what's called an "Oh, God" moment.
Since I haven't written a successful argumentative thesis so far this semester, despite trying about eight times, no, I'm not sure. Despite the best efforts of the three professors who have been trying to teach me how to write this type of paper in three different ways and three assorted documentation styles, I've yet to write a series of coherent topic sentences, let alone a competent thesis or a convincing conclusion.
I really, really miss Strunk & White. Those guys were simple, sweet, and understanding, sort of like a supportive ex-boyfriend who doesn't crowd you too much.
On the bright side, I survived the Math final and so far, I have a 97 average in that class, which translates as an A for the transcript. This is the absolutely highest grade I've ever had in any mathematics class, going all the way back to Mrs. Bender's arithmetic in third grade. Professor Carol Overdeep made it clear and concise, so that even a confirmed math dyslexic like myself could do well. I'll be grateful to her for the rest of my life.
And someday I'll be grateful to my Ethics professor, too.
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