It could take up to six more years to get all the degrees I need to do what I want to do. I've known that all along, but it's bothering me more this week. There's a good reason for that, though. Everyone on campus who has to turn in papers, present speeches, formulate argumentative theses, write exams, and all the rest of it are at a crisis point in the semester.
This is week seven (or so -- I'm too tired to go look at the calendar), when many students wonder exactly what they were on when they decided to take 12 credits of literature or 20 credits in structural engineering. I think I must have been insane. That's my reason, and I'm sticking to it.
Anyway, every student is finding at least two papers due on this week's planner; a good many students are having trouble understanding course work, too. This is the week when at least a few students will find their way to professors' offices, to plead for more time, slower explanations, or the mercy of God.
I'll be pleading with my doctor for more effective migraine medication, now that I've had three headaches in the past week.
The only thing that will resolve all this turmoil is next week, which is when amazing numbers of students find a light bulb going on in their brains. Even ethics and biotechnology become easier all of a sudden, after just a few more hours of homework -- and a few slower explanations.
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