Monday, May 3, 2010

Finals Week Nutrition

Anyone who's been paying attention to the assorted health media reports knows that memory is improved by daily moderate exercise, adequate sleep, and good nutrition. With this in mind, I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Thinking very carefully about the Bioethics, Japanese History, and American Lit tests that are still ahead, I headed for the produce department. Then, between the front door of the store and the check-out counter, the menu for dinner tonight changed.
Instead of fresh veggies and fruit, I came home with: potato chips, a big bottle of caffeinated soda, a frozen veggie pot pie, and three kinds of ice cream to go with the bag of chocolate-covered pretzels another student gave me today. And I'm not even planning on staying up all night, although I probably should.
I saw the veggies; I just didn't buy any.


  1. my finals week staples include nutella doused tortillas and green tea. I like to think it's treading the border or nutrition ; )
    Thanks again for the edit, it made going through the paper much much easier and faster.

  2. Did not realize you had a blog! Now that you put your link up on FB I have added you to my blogroll :)


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