Thursday, June 16, 2011

It's been a little crazy . . .

Since last November, when I evidently last posted to this blog, a zillion things have happened, as they have in your life. The conference in Oregon was a lot different from what I had prepared for, and the work load in school got even more intense, and then stayed that way all the way through the final semester at St. Martin's University.

I didn't help matters by taking on a part-time job as the morning news voice at a local radio station. This did neither my academic achievement or the station much good, I suspect. I just had too much going on, what with peer reading at the university's Learning Center, joining an English and an academic honorary, trying desperately to write a coherent senior thesis (which is still a work in progress), maintaining the usual load of reading, writing, presentations, group projects, and the friendships of a lifetime . . .

It all simply became too much, despite daily meditation and all the other coping skills I could remember to use on occasion.

Nonetheless, I graduated, and I learned some stuff. Over the next few days, as I tidy up the last pages of the thesis and prepare to defend it, I'll try to tell you about some of the insights that came along and thwacked me over the head, and how this particular non-traditional student coped.
I'll give you a hint: a magic potion called pho is required for deeply successful academic magic to occur.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes! Pho IS magical! We utilize this secret weapon very often in grad school :)


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